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Unlocking Family Wellness — the Huda Ali edition

Some think it’s most important for their children to be happy1 when they grow up. Others want their children to be adaptable and have future-ready skills. And yet for others, it’s making sure they stay healthy and are protected in every way.
It’s not always easy being a parent — especially in today’s world where they’re juggling multiple roles, like TV presenter and entrepreneur, Huda Ali.
Juggling passions and responsibilities
Despite being a mother of two with a time-consuming career, she’s still found time to pursue her passion by enrolling in culinary school full-time.
“I love cooking and I love creating recipes, but beyond that I also really wanted to learn all the technicalities behind cooking,” says Huda. She continues, “Especially because my children are very fussy eaters, I always need to come up with something nutritious yet interesting to get them to eat.”
There’s not one moment when her family isn’t somewhere on the back of her mind. But that’s just how all mothers are; they want to be sure their families always stay well.
Protecting what matters most
Besides good, nutritious food, Huda also encourages her children to lead an active lifestyle to keep them healthy. In fact, this is also her secret to keeping herself well.
It’s a delicate balance between all her passions and family for Huda. And when it comes down to being ready for whatever the future throws at her — especially for matters concerning her family — she doesn’t take any chances.
Why being prepared matters so much to her
In Singapore where healthcare costs can get expensive, protection is very important, she says. That is why Huda and her husband’s priority in terms of insurance has always been medical coverage, which they get with PRUShield.
And indeed, medical expenses can get very expensive here. With hospital ward charges ranging from $686 to $5,310 a day2, depending on the type of hospital you opt for, being prepared is a prudent way forward.
How much does it cost to be warded?

Public Hospitals (per day)

Private Hospitals (per day)

Class A Ward (1 bed)

Class B Ward (1 bed)

Private Ward


$686 - $1094

$1327 - $5310

Source: Seedly2
“More than just helping ease the financial strains should anything happen, insurance also gives me and my husband a peace of mind knowing that we’ve done our best to protect ourselves, our children as well as our parents,” says Huda.
One tip she has to meet the needs of her family? “Before making a decision, I always do my due research and weigh my options. I’ll only buy what I really need, striking a balance between affordability and coverage,” she says.
It is fortunate that she’s never been in a position where she has had to make a claim, and she’s thankful for that. Even so, Huda agrees that as Singapore faces an ageing population, it's all the more crucial that people save and prepare for the health-related expenses of living longer3.
Saving for the future
For her, the habit of saving for a rainy day had been inculcated in her since she was a young girl. “When I was 5 years old, I remember my dad had bought me a cute kitty cat savings box which encouraged me to start saving,” says Huda.
Today, this money-saving habit is something she is teaching her own children.
Most importantly, Huda believes that parents need to be role models. So, how does she actually practice what she preaches?
“I actually placed four saving jars around the house, so my eight-year-old daughter can see how my husband and I do it,” she says. “We also taught her to save up a portion of her allowance and to set saving goals for herself. She has her own savings account on top of these as well.”
Having sufficient coverage for emergencies matters, but Huda also hopes to save for her children’s future so that she’s in a better position to encourage them to pursue their dreams and passions unhindered. With investment-linked protection plan options like PRUActive LinkGuard, the delicate balance between both can be struck.
After all, it's natural that people want to provide only the best for their loved ones, and as Huda says — it’s all in the planning!
This article is for your information only and does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of any persons. We recommend that you seek advice from a Prudential Financial Consultant before making a commitment to purchase a policy.
These policies are protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact your insurer or visit the GIA/LIA or SDIC web-sites (www.gia.org.sg or www.lia.org.sg or www.sdic.org.sg).
This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
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