Investment-linked Insurance Policy (ILP) FAQs

About ILPs

What is an Investment-linked Insurance Policy (ILP)?

Investment-linked insurance policies (ILPs) are policies that provide you with life insurance coverage in addition to the investment feature.

Premiums you pay are used to

  • Pay for premium charges
  • Pay for insurance coverage
  • Invest in “units” in one or more sub-funds

ILPs provide insurance protection in the event of death. ILPs may also provide cover for terminal illness (TI), total and permanent disability (TPD) or critical illness (CI), depending on the product and coverage selected.

The value of your units depends on the unit price, which changes according to the sub-fund’s performance. It is important to note that ILPs usually do not have any guaranteed cash values.

Are Investment-linked Insurance Policies (ILPs) good?

ILPs offer a variety of features that you may find useful.

  • Professionally Managed
    ILPs invest in sub-funds managed by professional fund managers who manage the investment strategy, curate the investment portfolio, and carry out trading activities.
  • Flexibility
    You can change what you invest in simply by switching sub-funds. You can also reduce or increase your insurance coverage, top up your investments or make partial withdrawals, subject to the terms and conditions of your policy.
  • Payment Flexibility
    In times of need, you can opt for a Premium Holiday and stop paying regular premiums for a period of time. During this time, we will stop buying new units for your investment. Also, units from your sub-funds will be sold to pay for the insurance charges and any other applicable charges of your policy so you can continue getting the coverage you need.

Features differ from policy to policy. Please refer to your policy for exact terms and conditions.

Are there risks with Investment-linked Insurance Policies (ILPs)?

ILPs do carry investment risk, just like most investment products. ILP returns are not guaranteed and will depend on the performance of the underlying sub-funds selected. The value of your investments may increase or decrease according to market conditions.

Returns for ILPs typically begin accumulating value only after a few years, and these returns may or may not be guaranteed, depending on your policy terms. You may also incur losses if you choose to surrender your policy early.

It is important for you to assess your risk appetite and seek financial advice before deciding to invest in an ILP.

Will Prudential utilise all the premiums I pay to buy units, including the premiums I pay for my riders?

Only the premiums paid for the basic plan will be utilised to buy units, subject to a premium charge (if any). The premiums paid for riders will only be used to pay for your coverage.

How can I get investment advice or suggestions?

You can leave your details in the form at the bottom of this page and a Financial Consultant from Prudential will contact you. Please note that officers at our Customer Service Centre and hotline will not be able to offer you investment advice or suggestions.

Accessing Your ILP

Where can I view my policy documents?

You can log on to PRUaccess and click on e-Documents to view your policy-related documents, notices, and letters.

How do I check account details of my Investment-Linked Policy?

You can log on to PRUaccess, select e-Documents and click on Statement of Account to view details of your account.

Where do I get the Dividend Distribution History?

You can log on to PRUaccess, select e-Documents and click Letters to view this.

Fund Performance

Can I monitor the value of my funds on my own?

You can log on to PRUaccess and click on your policy number to check the value of your funds.

Where can I view the Bid and Offer prices of the PRULink Investment funds?

You can log on to PRUaccess and click View Fund Prices to view the bid and offer prices of the PRULink Investment funds.

How do I view the fund investment returns?

You can log on to PRUaccess, select View Fund Prices, Fund Performance, and select the PRULink Fund Factsheets and Fund Report to view the details.

How do I check the fund details and keep track of the fund if it performs well??

You can log on to PRUaccess, select View Fund Prices, Fund Performance, and select the PRULink Fund Factsheets and Fund Report to view the details.

Portfolio Solutions

What is a portfolio solution?

A portfolio solution allows you to invest in a carefully chosen, well-diversified mix of funds. The portfolio allocation is managed by a team of investment professionals from Mercer Investment Solutions (Singapore) and is rebalanced regularly based on economic and market condition changes.

How do I request for a Fund Switch based on Mercer Portfolio Solutions?

Funds can be switched in multiples of 5%. To switch out the full value of your units in a Fund, please indicate 100% as the percentage of units you wish to switch out from. You can switch out your units to a maximum of 10 new Funds each time.

The funds/portfolio you choose to switch into may or may not be in line with your current investment objectives and risk profile. If in doubt, please contact your Financial Consultant.

For the list of available funds, please visit for more details.

To request for a Fund Switch, please download the Fund Switch form found on our website.

How do I sign up for "portfolio solution" to receive quarterly market and model portfolio reports?

To sign up for a portfolio solutions, you can complete and submit the Application For Alteration (Form 1).

Fund Switch

What is a Fund Switch?

A fund switch happens when a customer sells in full or partially, the units held in a fund or sub-fund, so as to buy units of another fund or sub-fund.

Why should I consider a Fund Switch?

It may be helpful to consider a Fund Switch if your financial circumstances or risk appetite have changed and you no longer find your current fund or sub-fund suitable.

How do I check the fund direction?

You can log on to PRUaccess, select Policy Information and click on Fund Details to find out more about the fund direction.

Are there any charges if I want to do a fund switch?

No, there are no charges for a fund switch.

How can I request multiple fund switches on PRUaccess?

You may click on the Add Fund button to proceed with the second transaction once you have finished with the first fund. Then, click Confirm & Proceed only after you have completed the transaction for all funds.

Can I switch to a fund with a higher risk category than my current risk profile?

You can speak with your Financial Consultant or a distributor duly appointed by Prudential Singapore for more information.


What is the total amount of premiums and top up I paid versus the investment return?

You can log on to PRUaccess, select Policy Information and click on Revised Benefit Illustration for information on premiums and top up you’ve made as well as your investment return.

How do I calculate Assurance Charges?

Assurance Charges are the costs of providing the basic benefits of death, total and permanent disability, terminal illness and selected riders (if any). Should you be required to pay extra for medical, occupational or hazardous activities, these would be added to the assurance charge.

Assurance Charges are determined after considering

  • The prevailing assurance rates
  • The sum assured or Multiplier benefit (if this applies), and
  • The life assured’s age at each billing

Assurance Charges can be derived from the Assurance Charges Table and is measured based on your Sum-at-Risk, Age, Gender and whether you are a Smoker. By matching your age to the relevant columns, namely Male Smoker (MS), Male Non-smoker (MNS), Female Smoker (FS) or Female Non-smoker (FNS), you would be able to determine your Assurance Charges measured according to per unit Sum-at-Risk, per annum.

A numerical example of calculating your monthly assurance charges for PRUVantage Assure can be found below. Assuming the policyholder has the following details:

Current Age (Age next birthday) = 50 years old
Sex = Male
Smoker Status = Non-Smoker
Sum Assured = $103,000 for Death, Accidental Disability
Wealth Assure Value =$101,000
Initial Investment Account Value =$100,000
Additional investment Account Value =$50,000
Death/Accidental Disability Benefit = Highest of (Sum assured, Wealth Assure Value, Initial Investment Account Value) + Additional Investment Account Value
= Max(103,000, 101,000, 100,000) + 50,000
Sum-at-Risk = Death/Accidental Disability benefit - Initial Investment Account Value - Accidental Investment Account Value
= $153,000 - $100,000 - $50,000
= $3,000

The current monthly assurance charge would therefore be:

Death/Accidental Disability = $2.94 per $1,000 sum-at-risk
Total current monthly assurance charge = Assurance charge rate/1000 * Sum-at-Risk * Monthly modal factor
= 2.94 * 3,000/1,000 * 0.0834
= $0.74
Where can I find the Assurance Charge table?

You can log on to PRUaccess, select e-Documents and click on Benefit Illustration or your Policy Booklet for the assurance charge table.

If the Assurance Charge Table for your product is not available in the Benefit Illustration, please submit a request via our Customer Enquiry Form on our corporate website or call our PruCustomer Line at 1800 333 0333 to request for a copy.

Is there a Surrender Charge for my plan?

Depending on the type of ILP you have, there may be a surrender charge. You may consult your Financial Consultant, or a distributor duly appointed by Prudential Singapore for more information.

Top Up

How do I make a single premium top-up?

You can log on to PRUaccess and click on e-Transaction or consult your Financial Consultant or a distributor duly appointed by Prudential Singapore for more information. E-Transaction is only available for PRULink Capital Account (SP), PRULink SuperGrowth Account (SP), PRULink SuperSaver Account (RSP) and PRULink InvestGrowth.

Partial Withdrawal

How do I apply for partial withdrawal?

You can download the Application for Partial Withdrawal form, fill it in and submit the application to us.

Does partial withdrawal affect my insurance coverage?

Partial withdrawals may or may not affect your insurance coverage, depending on what plan you have.

In cases where your partial withdrawal involves a reduction of your insurance coverage, you may wish to note that it may affect your ability to obtain a similar level of protection on the same terms in the future. It may also result in situations where you're not able to get insured on standard terms or result in you having to pay a higher premium with age or lose specific policy features due to changes in age or health conditions.

Does partial withdrawal affect my fund value?

An insurance policy is intended to meet your long-term financial needs, and a partial withdrawal may result in losing the financial benefit accumulated over the years or an inability to achieve your intended financial objective at maturity.

Can I do a partial withdrawal and fund switch on the same day?

We can only take in one transaction, per-pricing, per day for ILP policies.

Premium Holiday

What is a Premium Holiday?

This refers to the period in which policy owners do not have to pay any premium but still enjoy the basic benefits defined in the policy. During this period, the insurer will sell existing units from the policy to pay for outstanding benefit charges. Supplementary benefits (if any) will be terminated.

What is the maximum Premium Holiday period I can opt for?

A premium holiday can be activated for as long as the policy has sufficient cash value to keep it in force during the premium term.

How do I apply for a Premium Holiday?

Depending on your policy, a premium holiday for ILP policies may be automatically activated (if applicable) as an existing product feature, to prevent your policy from lapsing. This is subjected to the policy having sufficient units in the account(s). The policyholder can also opt for a premium holiday for his/her existing ILP plans by providing us with a signed memo instruction mailed to our PO Box at Prudential Assurance Company Singapore (Pte) Limited, Robinson Road P.O.Box 492, Singapore 900942.

Will I still have coverage if there are insufficient units left to pay for my insurance coverage charges?

If there are insufficient units left to pay for any outstanding charges, the policy will lapse, and all coverage/benefits would cease.

Can I opt to pay for the insurance coverage charges by cash instead of selling my units?

The insurance coverage charges (if applicable) will be deducted via the selling of units. You cannot opt to pay for it via cash.

What happens when my policy has been under Non-Forfeiture?

If premiums are not received on time, the units in your account, if any, will be sold, and the proceeds will be used to pay for your insurance coverage charges.

Other supplementary benefits shown on your Certificate of Life Assurance will automatically discontinue once you stop paying your regular premiums.

In this case, your policy continues to provide you coverage at the same or reduced sum assured, depending on the terms and conditions of your policy. You will continue to incur the administration charges and insurance costs.

If there are no more units in your account, your policy will terminate on the next billing date.

Reinstating Policy

Can I revive a policy that has been under Non-Forfeiture for more than 2 years?

Yes, you may, subject to further underwriting (if applicable).

How do I reinstate my ILP?

You can complete and submit the Reinstatement application form. Requests will be subject to fulfilment of requirement(s) and our approval.

Surrender Policy

How can I surrender my policy?

Please contact our PruCustomer hotline at 1800 333 0333 to request for the form.

If I surrender my CPF Investment policies, can I request the funds to be given to me in cheque?

All proceeds will be returned to your CPF account when you surrender or withdraw from your CPF Investment policies.