Wealth Accumulation | Savings

PRUWealth Plus (SGD)

Grow your savings to meet your family‘s needs with a flexible plan that protects you from uncertainties.

What is PRUWealth Plus (SGD)?

Your family comes first. And you want to ensure that they remain financially secure admidst changing needs and circumstances. Hence, you want to grow your wealth and be able to meet your family’s long term goals with confidence.

PRUWealth Plus (SGD) gives you the confidence to meet different goals for yourself and your family. It maximises the full potential of your savings and gives you flexibility to withdraw1 it so that you and your family can pursue the aspirations and milestones across all stages of life.

PRUWealth Plus (SGD) not only protects you but also takes care of your loved ones by providing death benefits in the unfortunate event that you pass away.

Supplementary benefits11



  • Enhance your protection coverage and receive a lump-sum sum assured payout in the event of death, terminal illness or total and permanent disability due to accidents in the first year, and due to any cause from the second year onwards.
  • No medical underwriting required.

Early Stage Crisis Waiver
  • Waiver of premiums for 5 years upon diagnosis of early stage medical conditions12 and allows a claim for a second time13
  • Waiver of premiums for 10 years14 upon diagnosis of intermediate stage medical conditions

Crisis Waiver III
  • Waiver of premiums15 upon diagnosis of any one of the 35 critical illnesses listed

Payer Security Plus
  • Waive the premiums of your spouse’s or child’s policy in the event of your death, total and permanent disability or critical illness16

Important Information



Any withdrawal from a PRUWealth Plus (SGD) policy is a partial surrender and must be requested by the customer. Any partial surrender will result in a reduction in the long term value of the policy. If the policy is surrendered, the surrender value payable (if any) may be less than the total premiums paid.


Bonuses are not guaranteed and will vary according to the future performance of the participating fund.


Policy matures on the policy anniversary just before original primary life assured turns 130 years old.


Capital guarantee is after 10th year only if you purchased a PRUWealth Plus (SGD) policy of single premium payment term. For a policy of 5 years and 10 years premium payment term on an annual premium payment mode, the capital guarantee is after the 15th year and the 18th year respectively. For a policy of 15 years and 20 years premium payment term on an annual premium payment mode, the capital guarantee is after the 19th year. This is also provided there has not been any policy alterations such as partial surrender since inception.


If the surrender value under your policy is at least 100% of two years’ current instalment premiums, you can choose to postpone paying the premiums for up to two years or until the end of the premium payment term, whichever is shorter.


The payout computation varies depending on the chosen premium term. For single premium term, the payout is 10% of single premium and for all regular premium terms, it is based on 50% of annualised premiums. The retrenchment benefit payment amount is subject to a maximum of S$100,000 for each policyowner, across all policies owned by them, that have a retrenchment benefit.


When an immediate family member of the life assured dies before the end of the premium payment term of the policy, we waive the premiums of your policy and its supplementary benefits, for up to a period of one year.


Not applicable for single premium policy paid via SRS funds. Appointment of secondary life assured is restricted to the policy owner’s immediate family members and is subject to acceptance by Prudential.


Not applicable for single premium policy paid via SRS funds. Change of life assured is subject to insurable interest with current policy owner(s). For regular premium policy, you can choose to change the life assured to another life assured only after the premium payment term of the policy. For single premium policy paid using cash, you can only choose to change the life assured after 2 years from the cover start date of the policy. Other terms and conditions apply, please refer to product summary for more details.


Upon the death of the primary life assured, the policy continues with cover on the life of the appointed secondary life assured instead, and no death benefit will be payable. Any supplementary benefits attached will be terminated upon the death of the primary life assured. There will be no changes to the original premium payment term or policy term,and premium payment for the policy continues (if applicable). Not applicable for single premium policy paid via SRS funds.


For single premium policy, no add-ons of additional benefit will be allowed.


After the end of the early-stage Premium Waiver Period, premium payment for the covered benefits will resume, but the premiums for the Early Stage Crisis Waiver will continue to be waived.


The second claim will waive the premium for another five years. This is provided the second claim is not for the same medical condition as the first claim, and it does not fall within the same category of the first early-stage medical condition.


If there was a successful claim under early-stage medical conditions, the Intermediate Stage Medical Conditions Benefits only waives 5 years of future premiums.


Crisis Waiver III waives the future premiums of the covered benefits up to the end of premium term or age 85, whichever is earlier.


The death and critical illness benefit covers until the policy anniversary before you turn 85 years old, or to the end of the premium payment term of the main policy, whichever event happens first. Total and permanent disability coverage will expire before the policy anniversary before the person covered under Payer Security Plus turns 65 years old, or the end of the premium payment paying term of the main policy, whichever event happens first. The waiver of premiums will be until the policy anniversary before the stated age.

Additional Notes

You are recommended to read the product summary and seek advice from a qualified Prudential Financial Representative for a financial analysis before purchasing a policy suitable to meet your needs.

As buying a life insurance policy is a long-term commitment, an early termination of the policy usually involves high costs and the surrender value, if any, that is payable to you may be zero or less than the total premiums paid.

The information on this website is for reference only and is not a contract of insurance. Please refer to the exact terms and conditions, specific details and exclusions applicable to these insurance products in the policy documents that can be obtained from your Prudential Financial Representative.

The information contained on this website is intended to be valid in Singapore only and shall not be construed as an offer to sell or solicitation to buy or provision of any insurance product outside Singapore.

In case of discrepancy between the English and Mandarin versions of the product brochures, the English version shall prevail.

These policies are protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact your insurer or visit the GIA/LIA or SDIC web-sites ( or or

Information is correct as of 9 September 2024.

This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

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