Chronic Care Management
Supporting our PRUShield policyholders with a preventive screening at no cost for a healthier and sustainable journey.
For policyholders eligible under PRUPanel Connect, more value-added services are available.
The Chronic Care Management Programme (CCMP) was launched by Prudential Singapore to improve the level of care for chronic conditions and reducing medical costs for our PRUShield policyholders. With one in four Singaporeans aged 40 years and above having at least one chronic health condition (e.g., diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol)*, the need for accessible and affordable care has become increasingly important.
The CCMP currently consists of tests for Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol (Hyperlipidemia) and Mental Wellness.
Under the Health Promotion Board’s Chronic Disease Management Programme, eligible policyholders have the option to partially claim expenses incurred from your MediSave.
Here are some common chronic programmes under the CCMP that your doctor can help manage. Preventive Screening is one of the most effective ways to monitor the status or progression of a chronic illness.
Find out more about the different programmes below:
*Source: Health Promotion Board website
What tests are included in the programmes?
Blood Sugar
Blood Pressure
Body Mass Index
(BMI) Assessment
Key Benefits
What is Prudential’s Chronic Care Management Programme?
The Chronic Care Management Programme (CCMP) was launched by Prudential Singapore with the intention of improving the level of care for chronic conditions and reducing medical costs for our PRUShield policyholders. With one in four Singaporeans aged 40 years and above having at least one chronic health condition (e.g., diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol)*, the need for accessible and affordable care has become increasingly important. The CCMP currently consists of Diabetes Care Programme, Hypertension Care Programme, High Cholesterol Care Programme and Mental Wellness Care Programme.
*Source: Health Promotion Board website
How does Prudential’s Chronic Care Management Programme work?
The Chronic Care Management Programme (CCMP) was launched by Prudential Singapore in partnership with Raffles Medical Group, in line with Ministry of Health guidelines. The CCMP seeks to aid in early detection of pre-diabetes, diabetes, hypertension or hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol) and provides preventive screening at no cost for our PRUShield policyholders. The preventive screening includes blood sugar test, blood pressure test, lipid test and body mass index (BMI) assessment.
If test results are not at the normal range, the nurse will offer a 6-month programme covering various health assessments, GP consultations, lifestyle counselling and standard medications. With early intervention, Diabetes, Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol) can be managed with appropriate medical treatment and lifestyle changes. All PRUShield policyholders, who have not previously been diagnosed with Diabetes, Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol) and are Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents and Foreigners are eligible for the CCMP. Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents have the option to partially claim expenses incurred on the CCMP from their MediSave account. Co-payment is applicable for policyholders using MediSave funding and subject to MediSave approval. Moreover, Singapore citizens enrolled under Healthier SG and who have signed up at RMG clinics are also eligible for additional subsidies
Will Prudential have access to any of my medical reports obtained under the Chronic Care Management Programme (CCMP)?
All medical information of policyholders obtained under CCMP are confidential and Raffles Medical Group will not share the policyholder’s medical records or test reports with Prudential Singapore.
Who is eligible for the Chronic Care Management Programme (CCMP)?
The CCMP is offered exclusively to PRUShield policyholders. To access CCMP, PRUShield policyholders will have to undergo blood sugar, blood pressure and body mass index (BMI) assessment at no cost. PRUShield policyholders may submit an online appointment request to do these tests at any of the 37 Raffles Medical Group clinics once every calendar year.
PRUShield policyholders with elevated blood sugar test and diabetes entry screening test (HbA1C) results will be eligible for the Diabetes Care Programme (DCP).
Policyholders with elevated high blood pressure measurement will be eligible for Hypertension Care Programme (HCP).
Policyholders with high lipid level and high cholesterol entry screening test result will be eligible for the High Cholesterol Care Programme (HCCP).
Policyholders that complete an online PHQ-9 mini mental assessment and deemed to be at risk will be eligible for the Mental Wellness Programme (MWP).
Policyholders who have been previously diagnosed with Diabetes/Hypertension/ Hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol) and are undergoing treatment with a GP will not be eligible as they would already be on existing medication prescribed by their attending physician. The DCP and/ or HCP and/ or HCCP and/ or MHP can only be utilised once and policyholders who have previously participated in DCP and/ or HCP and/ or HCCP and/ or MHP will not be eligible to re-enroll.
Can i walk into any of the 37 Raffles Medical Clinics for the Preventive Screening?
Unfortunately, walk-in appointments are not available for Preventive Screening. To better manage waiting times for our PRUShield policyholders, an online appointment must be made via the Prudential PRUPanel Connect website.
Important Information
The information is accurate as at 30 August 2024 unless otherwise indicated.