ILP Funds| Fund Details

Blackrock Global Funds - Asian Dragon Class A2

Higher Risk

The Asian Dragon Fund seeks to maximise total return. The Fund invests at least 70% of its total assets in the equity securities of companies domiciled in, or exercising the predominant part of their economic activity in, Asia, excluding Japan.

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Historical annualised returns

Updated as of 13 March 2025


+5.68 %


-0.82 %


+2.80 %


Updated as of 13 March 2025

Bid price

$13.9200 SGD

Performance and prices

Over a period of time of

Select date range
8 Oct 2004 - End date

+5.68 %
1 year return

cursor Hover over chart to see performance details Tap chart to see price details

Chart displays cumulative returns and is rebased to 0% for the selected period.

Historical returns
Performance 1-month 6-month 1-year 3-year* 5-year* 10-year* Since inception*
Bid-bid +0.79% +6.00% +5.68% -0.82% +2.80% +2.76% +3.09%

*Historical returns exceeding a one-year period are annualised for comparability purposes.

Over a period of time of

Select date range
- End date
cursor Hover over chart to see performance details
cursor Tap chart to see price details
Bid price

Fund documents

Fund Factsheet


Fund Prospectus


Product Highlights Sheet


Fund Report


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Important Information



The term 'fund management charge' may be called differently by different Investment Managers. For example, it may be called 'continuing investment charge', 'management fee' or 'investment management charge'.


By purchasing PRUSelect, you are subjected to the risks inherent to the PRUSelect Fund(s) which you have invested in. You should consider and satisfy yourself as to the risks of investing in the PRUSelect Fund(s). Investments in the PRUSelect Fund(s) are generally meant to produce returns over the long-term. It may not be possible to obtain short-term gains from such investments. You should be aware that the price of units in the PRUSelect Fund(s), and the income from them, may fall or rise and you may not get back your original investment.

No guarantee is given, express or implied, that you will receive any amount invested. All investments involve risks and there can be no guarantee against loss resulting from an investment in any PRUSelect Fund(s), nor can there be any assurance that the PRUSelect Fund(s)’ respective investment objectives will be attained in respect of their overall performance. You should therefore ensure (prior to any investment being made) that you are satisfied with the respective PRUSelect Fund’s risk profile of the overall objective disclosed.

Funds under PRUSelect are authorized or recognized under the Securities and Futures Act Cap. 289. You should also be aware that an investment in the particular PRUSelect Fund(s) may be exposed to other risks of an exceptional nature from time to time.

The above should not be considered to be an exhaustive list of risks which you should consider before investing into any PRUSelect Fund(s). Please refer to the respective fund prospectus for full details on the risks of each PRUSelect Fund.

The information on Investment Manager’s Profile and Fund Details is provided by the Investment Managers. Prudential Assurance Company Singapore Pte Ltd ("Prudential Singapore") is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information provided by the Investment Managers and shall have no liability for any errors or omissions in the above information.

Important Notes

All the information and contents in this section are provided by our data provider FE fundinfo (

All fund prices shown here are indicative only and are subject to change without prior notice. Performance figures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends and distributions reinvested at bid price, taking into account all fund-related charges which would have been payable upon such reinvestment. Fees and charges payable through deduction of premium or cancellation of units are excluded from this calculation. All fund prices shown here are indicative only and are subject to change without prior notice. Please refer to your Statement of Account for the latest and accurate fund prices of the funds which you have purchased.

Prudential Singapore makes no guarantee as to the originality, accuracy, and/or completeness of the information and contents in this section. Prudential Singapore, its affiliates, and its agents shall not be liable for any loss whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from any use of or reliance on the information provided herein.

Past performance of the fund is not necessarily indicative of the future performance of the fund.

PRUSelect will give you access to confidential and proprietary information of Model Portfolios developed by Mercer LLC. ("Mercer") and is intended for your exclusive reference, for general information purposes only. This information is not, nor intended to be, investment advice and shall not be relied on as such. All investment decisions shall be made independently by you, after duly considering and understanding the investment product(s), benefits and risks.

Notwithstanding any information provided to you in connection with the PRUSelect, you are advised to read Product Summary, Fund Prospectus and Product Highlights Sheet with respect to the relevant investment products before deciding whether to invest in such products. Neither Prudential Singapore nor Mercer gives any representations or warranties as to the accuracy of any information provided to you in connection with the PRUSelect. Neither Prudential Singapore nor Mercer accepts any responsibility or liability for any loss or damage which you may suffer arising out of or in connection with your purchase of the PRUSelect. Where appropriate, you are encouraged to seek independent legal, tax and other professional advice.

As there may be market fluctuations and change in market conditions, you are also encouraged to refer to the subsequent model portfolios that will be updated on annual basis (for PRUSelect). Such subsequent updated model portfolios can be obtained via your Prudential Financial Representative and will be made available in PRUaccess.

Any opinion on or rating of investment products contained under the model portfolio developed by Mercer in connection with the PRUSelect is not intended to convey any guarantee as to the future investment performance of such investment products or model portfolios. In addition, past performances cannot be relied upon as a guide or indicator to future performance.

Notwithstanding anything above, Prudential Singapore reserves the right to discontinue the PRUSelect at any time without reference or notification to you.

*Model Portfolios applicable only to customers prior to 2 March 2023.

Additional Notes

A Product Summary, Fund Prospectus and Product Highlights Sheet relating to the Fund are available and may be obtained from Prudential Singapore, Prudential Financial Representative and/or its distribution partners.

A potential investor should read the Product Summary, Fund Prospectus and Product Highlights Sheet before deciding whether to subscribe for units in the Fund and seek professional advice before making any investment decision. In the event that investor chooses not to seek advice, he/she should consider carefully whether the Fund in question is suitable for him/her.

The information presented is for your information only and does not consider specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any person. It should not be relied upon as financial advice to buy, sell or hold any investment product or class of investment products. It should not be construed as an offer or solicitation for the subscription, purchase or sale of the names mentioned herein.

Investments are subject to investments risks including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. The prediction, projection or forecast on the economy, securities markets or the economic trends of the markets targeted by the Fund are not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance of the Fund. The past performance of the Manager or Investment Manager and the Fund is not necessarily indicative of its future performance. The performance of the Fund is not guaranteed and the value of the units and the income accruing to the units, if any may fall or rise.

Units in the PRUSelect Fund(s) are not available to US persons.

Information is correct as at 25 June 2024.

This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.